Nearly five months ago we revealed And then this blog became even quieter. It’s been a few months of big transitions, two of which had to be kept quiet for a while. Since I last wrote here we’ve been busy arranging a move of house (from Harringay to Homerton), have discovered we’ve got another child on the way, and I’ve become a Civil Servant.

All three are exciting changes, but it’s the last that I sat down to write about here. For several years I’ve been working on building Ket Lai, initially alone, then with James Weiner, and gradually with a wider selection of collaborators. Things were going well, and we were building up a solid base of clients and getting close to having a couple of products of our own to release. But when the call to the public sector came, it didn’t take long to agree that we’d put Ket Lai on the back-burner and jump on board.

It’s a really exciting time to be joining, becoming part of the new Government Digital Service team and working (as tech lead) on the new Single Domain beta. We’ve had some great new people sign up to join us over the past few weeks, building a team I’m really enjoying working with.

For those who want a little more detail I’ve written a couple of pieces for the GDS blog: one about our approach to APIs and another about our platform choices.