So it’s Friday afternoon and I’m only just writing my weeknotes. In a rush. There’s something appropriate in that. It’s been a busy week and I find myself having to check Billings to get a sense of where the time’s all gone.

It’s been another week of small jobs. One of the small pre-Christmas projects that had sprawled into this year finally launched—there’s a bit more work to do polishing the CMS but the immediate pressure is off—and two others are in the final days of fine-tuning. I spent a lot of time in Internet Explorer testing things, and remembered why I’m so grateful that that’s usually not my responsibility. And I hit that point in a project where a tool you’ve been pushing and pushing finally snaps.

Alongside those bits of work I’ve been setting up a new server for the James Lind Library, a new client we’ll be working with this year. Right now their site is managed with Adobe Contribute, but the coming weeks will see me beginning proper data exploration and figuring out how to design and populate an appropriate database so that we can then work with them to enhance their metadata, rethink the design, and all those sorts of things.

There were a couple of meetings helping Joe at Street Action prepare for his forthcoming trip to South Africa. Setting up a posterous blog, advising and planning for how to capture, edit and disseminate content. I’m looking forward to seeing it all come in.

And now it’s time for my week to end.