It’s time for me to take another stab at occasional link blogging. While I really appreciate those who blog individual links, I seem to keep coming back to ways of packaging links. Here’s a first installment for 2010:
Last month may have been the time for advent calendars—with Drew’s 24ways yet again containing many excellent articles that have me very excited about HTML5—but the jQuery team have decided to follow a similar model in the run up to the release of version 1.4. kicks off on January 14th, but already has details of their new API website based on the contents of the jQuery Reference Guide.
The folks (downstairs from our new office) at the Really Interesting Group have been keeping busy. Not only can you now see the price list for Newspaper Club (want to make a newspaper like we did at Greenbelt? Newspaper Club should be your first port of call) but you can also read about the fun they had exposing data in Christmas presents. On the newspaper front, I found the idea of the Nashville Retrospect fascinating - it’s a free monthly newspaper devoted to Nashville nostalgia and history.
There’s all sorts of excitement around key-value store Redis. Simon Willison pointed out that the addition of BLPOP and BRPOP support over Christmas means you can use it to drive a queue server without polling. Ezra Zygmuntowicz has been working on an Actor library for ruby based on it. And there’s lots more. It’s good to see that the NoSQL/LessSQL movement is developing beyond simply replacing relational databases and opening up new possibilities and techniques.
For those of us who work with drupal, Project Verity could be quite a boon. Mark Boulton and Leisa Reichelt quite rightly point out that If you’re a company that takes pride in good design and user experience, handing over a Drupal backend can be a bit embarrassing and difficult to reconcile with your company philosophy. Project Verity is their response and while I’ve not actually seen it, I suspect those two are likely to be onto something. It certainly would be nice to be able to deliver a drupal site with a friendly face for admins. I’ve not really been tracking drupal 7 development, and hopefully it’ll reduce the need for such projects. If not, I imagine a port won’t take long to surface.
Given that I’ve been playing around with a Palm Pre and WebOS lately I’m delighted to see Palm using github. There’s a fair range of sample code that comes with the SDK, but this looks likely to be more comprehensive and it’ll be fascinating to see what develops as people begin to fork the code, throw in comments, etc.