I’m really quite pleased that there’s not a huge amount to report from the past couple of weeks. There’s been some work done, but not much as I actually managed to take some time off, read some books, and do that kind of thing. And there’s been some tinkering as evidenced by my previous post about Rails 3 and a couple of drafts (more on Rails 3, thoughts on Palm Pre/Web OS development) that will hopefully be ready for publication soon.
We’re still in the US—now in Nashville, TN—and are here till Friday so the pace this week will hopefully remain slow. There’s been some feedback from all the projects I wrapped up before the end of the year and it’ll mostly be about getting on top of that, making adjustments, and then figuring out what the rest of the month holds. Pre-Christmas there was lots in the pipeline, and now I need to figure out how to get them ready to go.
It’d be good to be on top of that as next Monday (the 11th) is the big office move day and who knows what disruptions that’ll bring.