Ket Lai logo For a while now I’ve been transitioning away from using the name for my web development work in favour of Ket Lai. The shift is partly born of a desire to separate out my work from other parts of my life (increasingly important now we’re a family of three), but mostly a recognition that I rarely work on projects solo these days–instead pulling in a range of collaborators–and a group identity is more honest to what we’re doing.

Today, thanks to the design help of frequent collaborator James Weiner I’m launching the Ket Lai website over at There are still a few bits and pieces we’re working on, but it’s great to have it out there for the world to see.

The site employs a variety of CSS3 techniques to give a little more visual feedback and spark, and is built on top of the merb framework (rails seemed like overkill, and personal-ish projects are usually a good chance to try something that not many client projects call for).

This blog will continue roughly at its present location, though may eventually get a little reorganisation/redesign-love. Naturally redirects will be used where necessary. Relevant posts are pulled across to the Ket Lai site, but this will remain a personal blog and hopefully suffer a little less from brand confusion.

So if you want to know more about the work my collaborators and I do or services we offer, is the place to go. And now that it’s launched maybe (just maybe) I’ll be able to write here about a few other recent projects and interesting tidbits.