The Cost of Accessibility?
Comments by Drew McLellan on the recently released Atlas IDE for the Cappuccino web framework, and the need for accessibility to be taken into account in any new approach to web app development.
Accessibility & Degradation in Cappuccino
A response to Drew’s piece. I’m not entirely convinced, but that may be because I still feel like any attempt to bring desktop-style-GUIs to the web is missing the point.
Mixing Cucumber with Test::Unit/Shoulda
Looks like a good combination.
russell davies: interesting sounds again
“THE BASIC POINT is for people to show and talk about Interesting Sound-producing things they’ve made. Not just to perform with their ’thing’ but to talk about what they’ve made, why they did it, what’s interesting about it. It could be acoustic, electronic, anything”
Building and Scaling a Startup on Rails: 12 Things We Learned the Hard Way
Some good pointers, many of them useful even if you’re not using Rails or building a startup.
Intro to CIUnit (part of fooStack) for CodeIgniter
Testing framework for the PHP framework. Looks like a nice tool and makes me wonder if I should try CodeIgniter next time I need to build a PHP app. (via infovore)
OmniWeb, OmniDazzle, OmniDiskSweeper, and OmniObjectMeter now freeware
Now I really have no excuse not to try OmniWeb. And OmniDiskSweeper has saved me several gigs of disk space so far this week.
Querious - MySQL Database Tool
Nice looking new database tool. Perhaps not nice enough to tempt me away from Sequel Pro, but good to see nevertheless.